When: December 13, 2024
Time: 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Where: Black Bear Diner 2401 E Harbor Blvd, Ventura, CA 93001
Instead of a regular club meeting in December, we get together for a dinner celebration. Like we did last year, this year’s venue will be at Black Bear Diner in Ventura. Seating begins at 6:30pm and food will be ready to dish up at 7:00pm sharp. We will have a gift exchange, trivia, a slide show of activities we did in 2024, and more! Please dress for the Holidays or ‘Business Casual’
The menu will be the same as last year:
Roasted Turkey and Tri-Tip
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Mixed salad and fruit salad
Cornbread muffins and dinner rolls
Green beans
Butter squash
Soda, iced tea, coffee
As mentioned at the club meeting and on the Monday night net, the club is contributing towards the cost of the dinner for club members in good standing (dues paid for 2025). The cost for the dinner for club members + up to 1 guest is $20 per person, maximum of 2 people per family at this price. Price for non-members is $39.
For example, if you are a club member and coming solo, you would pay $20. If you are a club member and bringing 1 guest, the total is $40. In my case, my wife and I are both club members, but together we max out the ‘2 per family discount’, so if we wanted to bring our daughter, our daughter would be $39 additional, or $79 total for the 3 of us.
Price includes everything on the menu above, including tax and tip. We prefer that you pay cash at the dinner itself. Our treasurer John will be accepting payments.
WE NEED TO KNOW IF YOU ARE COMING, so PLEASE LET US KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you will be attending and whether you will be bringing a guest!
If you have a Groups.io account, you can let us know by filling out this survey
If you do not have a Groups.io account, you can send us an email at info@vcarc.club
Thank you for your support and being part of the Ventura County Amateur Radio Club!
Dave AI6VX