Archived News can be found HERE
- Pres Says – Feb 2025by AI6VXWelcome to February! January was an exciting month in more ways than one. There were many days of Santa Ana wind conditions, along with wildfires that caused unprecedented destruction. In past years I was never very concerned with the high winds. This year was different. The wind gusts at my… Continue reading →
- VP Sez – February 2025by Robert ShankJanuary, to me, came and went very quickly. During the month, our club members and friends enjoyed the following activities: Of course, our club held all of the weekly nets (Monday Night 2m/70cm, Wednesday Night 40m and Sunday afternoon 10m) and were joined by club members, local Ventura County hams,… Continue reading →
- Pres Says – January 2025by AI6VXBorrowing a line from a long running soap opera – “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives” (pictured is one of our recent gorgeous sunsets) Welcome to 2025! Another trip around the Sun, the holidays are behind us, and wind and fire warnings seem to… Continue reading →
- Pres Says – December 2024by AI6VXTime change, cooler weather, shorter days, nuisance amounts of rain, 2 elections, VE session, and Thanksgiving. Whew! November was full, and here we are racing through December. Decemberfest is right around the corner! Instead of our regular club meeting at Grace Lutheran Church, in December we will be having a… Continue reading →
- DECEMBERFEST DINNER 2024by AI6VXWhen: December 13, 2024Time: 6:30pm to 9:30pmWhere: Black Bear Diner 2401 E Harbor Blvd, Ventura, CA 93001 Instead of a regular club meeting in December, we get together for a dinner celebration. Like we did last year, this year’s venue will be at Black Bear Diner in Ventura. Seating begins… Continue reading →
- Pres Says – November 2024by AI6VXPres Says – November 2024 Remember when Halloween was far away? We are now almost a week past it. Remember when Thanksgiving was so far away? It’s just over 3 weeks from now. Remember when Decemberfest was so far away? Yeah, that’s coming up quick! But I am getting ahead… Continue reading →
- Pres Says – Oct 2024by AI6VXIt’s October! We’re in the last quarter of 2024 and we have a lot of holidays in the next 3 months ahead of us. Weather has been pretty nice, and though I keep hearing about a heat wave coming, so far our temps have been mild. That said, I can… Continue reading →
- Upcoming Contest and Club Competition: CA QSO Partyby AI6VXHello all, In case you haven’t figured it out by now with my posts or VP Says messages on the K6MEP website, I really enjoy HF contesting. I think contests are a great opportunity to: get on the air without having to worry about rag chewing; find your on-air… Continue reading →
- VP Says – Sept 2024by AI6VXHello Ventura County Hams, Summer is great: the family is all out of school, we get to go hang at the beach, travel out of town, and enjoy not having to do – or grade – homework. And while I will mourn the passing of the educational summer now that… Continue reading →
- Pres Says – Sept 2024by AI6VXSeptember 2024 President’s message Welcome to September – we’re in the last 1/3rd of the year. Kids are back in school, which should make my commute to work easier, and soon we’ll be seeing pumpkin drinks sold everywhere. There are only 3 more club meetings before Decemberfest and our last… Continue reading →