Pres Says – November 2024

Remember when Halloween was far away? We are now almost a week past it. Remember when Thanksgiving was so far away? It’s just over 3 weeks from now. Remember when Decemberfest was so far away? Yeah, that’s coming up quick! But I am getting ahead of myself.
The month of November is important for our club as we hold elections for officers. So not only do you get to vote for our next President of the US, two days later you get to vote for our club’s next president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and board members. So far most of the nominees are familiar incumbents, but we have some new folks too running for office..
Current club members (paid up for 2025) are eligible to vote and run for office, and we have 3 ways for you to vote. #1 – In-person at our November 8th club meeting. #2- over Zoom at our November 8th club meeting. #3- via Proxy where you write down your vote for your candidates (they will be announced the morning of November 8th), sign your ballot, and give it to a club member to deliver to our current secretary Phil WA6BUZ at the Friday November 8th meeting.
If you would like to get your name on the ballot for an office position, or to nominate someone (please get their okay first), you can submit your nomination to our secretary Phil at the email address of
Our club meeting on November 8th will also be Home Brew Night! This is where you, the audience, becomes the presenter. Bring what you have been working on. Got a new antenna you built? Fix up an old rig? Put together a POTA/SOTA bag? Bring it and talk about it! Share your research and decision making! I will likely bring one of the old tube AM radios I’ve been working on.
Saturday November 9th we’re going to have a VE session! So far 12 folks have signed up – that’s a lot! Though we have enough VE’s, if you’d like to help out, we could use a few more volunteers and you don’t need to be a VE.. Interested? Come talk to me at the Friday meeting, email me at, or simply show up Saturday Nov 9th at Grace Lutheran Church at 8:30am.
Lastly, Decemberfest is coming up quick! We’re going to hold it at Black Bear Diner in the bigger room and we need to know if you plan on attending! Look for a survey on soon, plus a signup sheet at the November club meeting.
See you all at the November meeting!
Dave AI6VX