Slides From June 14th 2024 Club Meeting

ARRL Field Day 2024 logo

Thank you all for coming out to our club meeting Friday June 14th. We had a good working meeting to go over our Field Day 2024 plans. As promised, here is a link to the slides presented out our meeting. Slide 15 has the details on loading N3JFP logging software onto your laptop. Slide Deck A Zoom invite for our meal planning and N3FJP tutorial will be listed on our club calendar and over Field Day 2024 is right around the corner! Dave AI6VX

Trivia – June 2024

Steampunk looking scene with an old book and magnifying lens

We ate wonderfully delicious donuts this past Saturday at our VE session. DID YOU KNOW? 1.  Bubble wrap was invented in 1961, it was intended to be wall paper. It was 1967 when it was first used for packing material. 2.  In 1954 you could buy the first off the line transistor radio for $49.95 3.  If your cell phone battery is running low, switch to airplane mode to help save battery power. Happy field day! Dana Kg6wxe 

HF Transceiver and Linear Amplifier

ICOM IC-7300 – $800 I bought this radio for our cabin in Idaho but stumbled into a Kenwood 890S that took its place. Iunboxed the radio and used it a few times to ensure it worked before hauling it to Idaho. With that,it’s essentially brand new and still under factory warranty. I did purchase the receive only antennakit that takes about 5 minutes to install if you would like to at a “listening” antenna. For completedetails, you can get all the specs here as well as a manual. Ameritron AL811H Linear Amp, Like New – $1,100 800+ Watt, 10 to 160 MetersNote: 10Meter modification done & wired for 220 operation. This was bought to go with my iC 7300, but will be using my Kenwood 922A instead. It is like newwith about 2 hours of time on it. For full specs and manual, you can go here: Contact: Tack… Continue reading