The Keyer has been a monthly Ventura County Amateur Radio Club newsletter containing articles, information on past and upcoming club events, and news about the club and ham community. Written by members, officers, and local hams, this newsletter has been tirelessly assembled by many editors over its 88-year history.
Today, with the internet, we no longer have to wait until the next newsletter to provide you with up-to-date information. Within minutes an article or news item can be posted on our new website, and include vibrant photos and clickable links. Because our new website duplicates many of the functions the Keyer provided, the Keyer has been retired. The April 2024 issue was the last one.
A big thank you to all the Keyer editors over the years, and especially to Robert KM6RSS – our most recent editor. Your work will live on in the archives.
Dave AI6VX – President
Previous Keyer Newsletters can be found here
Club Articles
- Pres Says – Feb 2025Welcome to February! January was an exciting month in more ways than one. There were many days of Santa Ana wind conditions, along with wildfires that caused unprecedented destruction. In past years I was never very concerned with the high winds. This year was different. The wind gusts at my… Continue reading
- VP Sez – February 2025January, to me, came and went very quickly. During the month, our club members and friends enjoyed the following activities: Of course, our club held all of the weekly nets (Monday Night 2m/70cm, Wednesday Night 40m and Sunday afternoon 10m) and were joined by club members, local Ventura County hams,… Continue reading
- Pres Says – January 2025Borrowing a line from a long running soap opera – “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives” (pictured is one of our recent gorgeous sunsets) Welcome to 2025! Another trip around the Sun, the holidays are behind us, and wind and fire warnings seem to… Continue reading
- VP Sez – January 2025Happy New Year 2025! As your club Vice President, I will focus on program planning, as well as supporting our president, Dave AI6VX. My first action is to obtain great speakers and topics for our monthly meetings. I have used our groups.io website to reach out to everyone with a… Continue reading
- Pres Says – December 2024Time change, cooler weather, shorter days, nuisance amounts of rain, 2 elections, VE session, and Thanksgiving. Whew! November was full, and here we are racing through December. Decemberfest is right around the corner! Instead of our regular club meeting at Grace Lutheran Church, in December we will be having a… Continue reading