Our New Website is Live!

As you can see, our club’s new website is now live! I have checked many of the pages and links to make sure nothing broke after the switch, but I’m sure I missed something. If you find an error, send me an email to president@vcarc.club and I’ll get it fixed.

We also now have an active FOR SALE section! Do you have ham radio or related gear you would like to sell? Let me know what you have, the condition, photos and your contact info and I will get it posted

I want this website to be useful for YOU, and that you will visit often. If you have suggestions or additions, I want to hear it. If you want to post an article to the website (especially for those folks that contributed to the Keyer), send me your article and I’ll get it done. As this site matures, we will add folks that will have editing privileges so they can help add articles and post their own.

Take a look around and enjoy the site!

Dave AI6VX
VCARC President

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