April 2024 President’s Message

Happy April everyone!  I hope nobody got fooled on the first, and if you were the one doing the fooling, I hope your joke went over well.  I promise I won’t make any April Fool’s jokes in my Keyer articles this year.

March was a busy month for our club!  We started with a presentation on coax by Mark Thompson AE6GD, followed by a successful VE session, picnic and portable operations the next day at the Dudley House.  I can still taste those burgers off the grill with the melted cheese and carmelized onion, the potato salad, cookies, oranges, chips, etc.  Great – now I’m hungry 🙂 

Congratulations to Jacques KN6VVQ, our club Vice President and now Amateur Extra!  He earned his Extra that morning in our VE session and passed with flying colors.  Be sure and congratulate him when you see him.

Saturday the 23rd, many of you turned out for the cleanup day at Grace Lutheran Church.  Thank you all that came out!  The day started with rain but let up quickly, enabling us and their own volunteers to spiff the place up.  Everyone got to see our new meeting room and check out the picnic area.  We now have room to grow, and very likely a place to hold licensing classes and youth outreach events!

Coming up in April, we will of course have our club meeting, but at our NEW LOCATION!  Grace Lutheran Church 6190 Telephone Rd, Ventura 93003.  Pull into the parking lot, walk towards the main Church building and you will see us in the large meeting room on the left.  I will be giving a presentation/overview of our new club website, and we will start discussing plans for Field Day 2024.  I know it is still almost 3 months away, but look how fast this year has been going already!

Our club will be having other fun things to do in April – be sure to read Jacques VP Says article for those details.  There are also still spots available for folks to volunteer for the April 28th Mountains to Beaches marathon.  It’s a great way to get to use your radio in a practical application.  For more details, reach out to Burt Auerbach KA6BJA or talk to him at our April club meeting.

Thank you all for your time and generosity, and for sharing this wonderful hobby with each other.



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