April 2024 Vice President’s Message

Hello Ventura County Hams,

Wow, this year seems to be flying by! With 2024 moving at such an accelerated pace, it is time
to start thinking about one of our biggest days of the year: Field Day!

Field Day is less than three months away, which means we need to start brainstorming about
how we want to run our event. I would like to preface what comes next with this: I understand
that some of you have been operating field day with VCARC for many years and have enjoyed
the laissez-faire environment of the past. I get it, and I’m not trying to completely revamp how
things are done. That being said, I have a few ideas on how to make things slightly more
organized. The ultimate goal is to make time spent on air more efficient, and the event more
welcoming to our new ham friends and members.

I will give a short overview of my proposed changes at this month’s membership meeting (over
Zoom, see below), so I hope most of you can attend. My goal is to then convene a few Field Day
Committee meetings where you can let me know if you have any hesitation about the potential
changes, and we can work through it together. I urge you to go into this with an open mind.

Unfortunately, I was too busy last month to plan a second edition of our CQers Club, but we will
make up for it with two outings this month! April 20 th and 27 th I will plan on being out at San
Buenaventura State Beach calling CQ POTA. It would be great if you could make it out to one of
them… and if you can make it to both even better! Look for reminders on Groups.io.

The weekend of April 12th I will be attending the International DX Convention in Visalia, so I
won’t be at the membership meeting in person. I will make sure to take as many pictures and
notes as I can so I can give a short presentation on it next month. I know some of you were
considering going, and I hope to see you there.

Let’s continue through 2024 with open minds and good propagation. I hope to hear you on the
air soon!


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