VP Sez – February 2025

January, to me, came and went very quickly. During the month, our club members and friends enjoyed the following activities:

  • Jan 5th Sunday 19:00 – Monthly Board Meeting – Attended by all seven board members.
  • Jan 10th Friday 19:00 – Monthly club meeting – Clement KM6OKZ discussed the logistics and showed photos of his antenna and tower project, which is now complete!
  • Jan 18th Saturday 8:30am – VE session – seven people took tests and six either obtained a new license and/or upgraded their current one. Dave scanned the documentation and sent it to the ARRL (VEC), which sped up the licensing process. Here’s the link to the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kxzntRL4sMkf5poLA.
  • Jan 25th Saturday 9:00AM – Church Clean-Up – Our club had 14 (or more) volunteers who helped to trim the dozen or more trees in the parking lot so that the asphalt resurfacing machine could work under them. We were all prepared with our work clothes, our PPE, and some of us brought pole chain saws, regular saws, and other equipment to make the activity successful. Here is a link to the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/P1zfUCzdmC5kG7KQA. We were able to give back to the Grace Lutheran Church for their generosity in allowing us to meet at their facility. Bert Rapp (one of the church leaders) sent our president a thank you text later stating: “The servant heart of the men in your club is amazing.  Your help was outstanding today.” We also helped fill-out the potluck lunch by bringing chips, Boston baked beans, sodas, water, lemon bars, brownies, etc. Linda Shank brought dessert and helped set up the food preparation and assisted with the cleanup. This wasn’t our “normal” club picnic, but an appreciation lunch for those helping. Our club’s next official picnic will be March 22nd.
  • Jan 25th and 26th – Winter Field Day – We didn’t do anything official through the club, however it was a great way for everyone to test their radios and antennas by making short QSO’s with folks near and far.
TREE CLEAN-UP Some of the club participants in the tree-trimming activity at Grace Lutheran Church on January 25th.
HAM EXAM From left to right, Dave AI6VX acted as the liaison, John W6JPG, Peter W6PJG, Robert KM6RSS (not shown due to taking the photo), Jim Inman KB6JI and Larry K6LWG were the Volunteer Examiners. Dana KG6WXE provided logistical assistance.

Of course, our club held all of the weekly nets (Monday Night 2m/70cm, Wednesday Night 40m and Sunday afternoon 10m) and were joined by club members, local Ventura County hams, and some “long distant” hams from back East and the Mid-West on our 10m net. Remember that if you act as net control for our Monday Night Net in a given month, you will receive three raffle tickets (up to six if you are net control twice or more during the month).

February brings a number of activities to our club:

  • Monthly Board Meeting on Sunday, February 9th at 19:00 on Zoom
  • Monthly Club Meeting on February 14th (Valentine’s Day) at Grace Lutheran Church. Paul Strauss, WD6EBY, is scheduled to present a talk on “Ventura County Repeater Status”.
  • February 23 Ventura Marathon where several club members will provide emergency communications for this day-long event and Burt KA6BJA is the comms organizer.

See you all at the Friday the 14th club meeting (Valentine’s Day) at the Grace Lutheran Church 6190 Telephone Rd. Ventura CA 93003 where Paul Strauss, WD6EBY, will present “Ventura County Repeater Status”. Please bring your ideas, energy and questions!


Robert Shank KM6RSS Vice President, VCARC

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