On Saturday April 20th, Jacques KN6VQ held a successful CQ’ers club POTA activation/meeting at Ventura State Beach Park. In attendance was Jacques, Larry K6LWG, Burt KA6BJA, Peter W6PJG and Dave AI6VX.
Though the sun never came out, other hams around the world did. Working 10M and 20M a total of 52 QSO’s were logged. Many out of state QSO’s were made, including GA, WA and OR. A few DX QSO’s were also made with Jacques winning the distance record by capturing Australia, Overall we all had a great time while also practicing calling CQ, listening through pileups, and working with logging software.
If you would like to join in on the fun, you’re in luck! The next CQ’ers Club meeting will be Saturday April 27th, again at Ventura State Beach. You can park for free by using the street adjacent to the park by the Marriott, or by parking on Ayala Street and walking in.
Hope to see you there!
Dave AI6VX