Brand new Yaesu FT-950, removed from sealed box to check if it turns on. 4.6 star rating on 160-10M transmit, 0.03 – 56 MHz receive 100W RF output transmitter Inquire for price
K6MEP Monday Night Net 20:00 PST on WD6EBY linked repeater system
145.200, minus offset, 127.3 pl or 445.160, minus offset, 141.3 pl or 445.600, minus offset, 141.3 pl or 125.240, minus offset, 127.3 pl
7:00 pm – 7:30 pm
40M Local Net
7:00 pm – 7:30 pm
40M Local Net
K6MEP 40M Local Net
1900 Local Time 7.242 Mhz LSB
If you don’t hear us, tune 5 KHz higher and lower to see if we may have moved there. Also check or your email as I will try and send out frequency changes during the net.
Lastly: To help with coordination, please tune to 147.515 Mhz simplex! This will allow us to let each other know if we moved to another frequency, or if band conditions are poor and we want to try a different band.
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
10M Local Net
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
10M Local Net
K6MEP 10M Local Net
1600 PDT 28.395 Mhz USB
If you don’t hear us, check 5 KHz higher and lower as we may have moved there.
Get on the air and see who you can hear! A good way for Technicians to participate on HF as they are allowed a small slice of 10M.